The Falcon 2000DX was introduced at the 2005 NBAA convention in Orlando, FL. The Falcon 2000DX was the result of market demand for a Falcon that would offer the runway performance and range of a Falcon 50EX plus the wide-body cabin comfort of the Falcon 2000. The Falcon 2000DX includes the EX's 7,000-hour time between overhauls, 7,000-pounds of thrust PWC 308C turbofans and Primus Epic EASy cockpit and system. The only real difference between the 2000DX and 2000EX is the fuel capacity and resulting reduced range.
The Falcon 2000DX was certified in 2007 and replaced the Falcon 2000 in the lineup.
The original Falcon 2000 shares the 900's wing and forward fuselage. It is a twin-engine transcontinental business jet with a cabin 7 feet shorter than the Falcon 900.